Saturday, January 1, 2011

An Introduction That Is By No Means Brief

Today is New Years Day 2011. I have been an unbeliever, officially, for about two months now. To make it truly official, however, I changed my religion on Facebook to "Secular Humanist" about 10 days ago. Today I am embarking on a slightly longer and more interesting (I hope) journey: the journey to actually living a religion-free life, free from the fetters of dogma and the Old Testament and other offensive nonsense like that.

For example, tomorrow morning I will get up at an absurd hour and go to church and play bass in a worship band. This may seem like a conflict of interest, but the simple fact is that I have really come to respect the members of said church in the time I have been affiliated with them. They never forced their religion on me (at the time, I willfully accepted it) and do not, in fact, embrace many of my least favorite things associated with religion (the most obvious one remaining is, of course, their religion). The reason I mention this respect is because it is the reason for my method of disembarking: nicely. Frankly, I have no desire to leave violently or in any way let them know that I think they're all insane and their time could be much better spent, because they've always been very kind to me in their way.

Nonetheless, I'm on my way out. I'm not entirely sure what this blog will consist of (words, most likely, arranged in a mildly coherent fashion, if I can manage it), but if anything related to religion or my ongoing religionectomy crosses my mind, I'm sure it'll find its way into a post sometime. I'll probably get all grandfathery in my way at times and offer advice to budding atheists, whether they're reading this or not, and tell stories and mostly blather about my opinions and the opinions of people much smarter than I, whose blogs I read.

So, that's an idea of what to expect on my end. From you, dear reader, comments and other sundry feedsback are encouraged. That's all for now.


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